PALAK'S SELF-TALK HELPED ME READ HER MIND Palak was six years of age when she got admission in 1st STD in TATA Girls' high school, Navsari. I was under terrible stress & tension. My worries were multifaceted. · I was worried about her acceptance by school teachers & students. · She was at Ahmedabad & completed her JR/SR KG there. The acceptance of new school by Palak was a major point of worry. · Till then, she was with my father for 7-8 months every year since she was 10 months old. The care she got at Ahmedabad was beyond everything. I was tensed because I was not confident to match with my father's efforts. · Till that date I just followed the time-table prepared by my father when Palak stayed with us. I was not sure whether I would be able to evalu...