
Showing posts from 2022


  EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM As we know the brain elasticity is at its maximum till 6 years of age. Sooner the intervention program starts better would be the outcome. The early intervention program mainly includes; 1.     Physiotherapy: The passive physiotherapy can be started within first 7-10 days of life (Make sure to rule out any medical or other limiting factors). PT is aimed at achieving motor milestones. 2.     Occupational Therapy: OT is all about strengthening smaller muscles of hands. (Can refer the YouTube playlist of Dr. Nina) 3.     Speech therapy: ST mainly involves oromotor exercises. There are simple sensory tools & talking tools available that facilitates development of speech. (Can refer the blog on speech in the same series of blogs) 4.     Sensory integration: SI is utmost important but unknown to most of the therapist. We all learn through our senses. Our senses connect us with the world around. Sensory integration program is designed to activate


  MEDICAL CHECKLIST FOR TRISOMY 21 The check list provided here is an adopted version. The details are at the end of the table. In addition to the routine screening mentioned in this table there are two more checkups, 1) Check for the undescended testis in a male child. It should be checked immediately after birth though the remedial part can be decided later on. 2) The chances of developing scoliosis in children with Down syndrome are little higher so look for the early signs and get it checked by an orthopedic surgeon periodically.