EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM As we know the brain elasticity is at its maximum till 6 years of age. Sooner the intervention program starts better would be the outcome. The early intervention program mainly includes; 1. Physiotherapy: The passive physiotherapy can be started within first 7-10 days of life (Make sure to rule out any medical or other limiting factors). PT is aimed at achieving motor milestones. 2. Occupational Therapy: OT is all about strengthening smaller muscles of hands. (Can refer the YouTube playlist of Dr. Nina) 3. Speech therapy: ST mainly involves oromotor exercises. There are simple sensory tools & talking tools available that facilitates development of speech. (Can refer the blog on speech in the same series of blogs) 4. Sensory integration: SI is utmost important but unknown to most of the therapist. We all learn through our senses. Our senses connect us with the w...