Why 'Raising the bar'? While going through Down Syndrome awareness program for doctors I prepared many posters and one was 'Raise the bar'. We all have an ancient habit of drawing lines. If not actual then imaginary. Lines that limit our towns,districts,states,nations... lines that separate one person from another...lines that decide one's limits! All these lines are not actual but are inside us & so vary according to the consciousness within. We are not aware of the power within. We are not aware of the endless potentials lying within. Because of being ignorant of self, we put a bar & decide a limit on our own. We not only stop by limiting our own selves but continue doing the same with others especially our children. Palak, my daughter, has always proved us wrong. She got an inclusive environment since birth & could use her potentials to her fullest when given a chance. Since last 2/3 years, we are constantly asking ourselves "D...