HOW TO HANDLE CARE-TAKER HOW TO RESTRICT SCREEN TIME 5) Care-taker: Our life style has changed to a great extent. Most of us are having nuclear families. Mostly both the parents are working parents thereby struggling for time management. The distances & traffic adds to the struggle. Naturally we need a helper. Let's be very clear with the word 'care-taker'. For whom you have hired a helper is very very important. I saw children walking behind with the maid at malls/ restaurants/parks/cinema halls etc. I have seen maids running behind the child to brush the teeth/for bathing/to dress him/ to feed him while the mom is busy doing something in the kitchen/getting ready for office/waiting for a friend or guests/talking on phone etc. I have seen maids accompanying the families even during their vacations....where is the family time??? Back to the point, 'care-taker' for whom? The answer is for MOMS. Moms need help to handle home & children effectively. ...