CONCEPT OF TIME AND A CHILD WITH DS What is the right age to introduce 'TIME CONCEPT'? How to make them aware of 'TIME ZONE'? How to teach them about minutes/hours/days/ weeks/ months/ year? Many parents must have experienced that our children remember 'days of the week', 'months of the year' & 'seasons of the year' very easily. When asked, they answer promptly. As we all know their receptive vocabulary is very good and they remember things without understanding the meaning of it. When asked about 'days of week ',' months of year' or 'seasons of the year' they might not be aware of the meaning. An hour is a unit of day, morning/afternoon/ evening/night are time zones of day, a day is a unit of week, a week is a unit of month, a month is a unit of year & seasons are time zones of year. If on one fine day you sit with your child & start explaining him about all these fundamental things ...