Our children with DOWNS SYNDROME face difficulties in writing. There are few reasons for this. The main reason being the lower muscle tone and loose ligaments. Today we will learn about, HOW TO HELP THE CHILD TO IMPROVE THE HAND MUSCLE TONE AND THERE BY THE FINGER GRIP. Massage the fingers: Massage the fingers & smaller joints of fingers. Some passive exercises: Push gently and resist gently when the child pushes back. Tapping: Tap the finger tips of the child with your finger tips gently. Tap & Push-Tap & Push, each finger individually. Put your fingers against your child's fingers as shown (above) & Push gently. Then do as shown below alternately. Gradually repeat with resistance. Now encourage your child for active tapping. That can be done by tapping on table, toy drum, plastic container, tapping on a foot ball etc. I have made something to make Active tapping exercise a fun game. Below are thin Velcro bands and in the mi...